Due to the current scenario, we ask our passengers to please contact their
airlines by phone or through their web page to know about their flight status.


Flight Scheduled time* Origin Status

LAT 160
06:56 Santiago Arribado

SKY 320
07:14 Santiago Arribado

JAT 16
08:11 Santiago Arribado

LAT 162
08:24 Santiago Arribado

LAT 166
10:24 Santiago Arribado

SKY 464
11:21 La Serena Arribado

LAT 168
14:37 Santiago Arribado

SKY 322
15:17 Santiago Arribado

LAT 170
18:14 Santiago Arribado

SKY 338
18:44 Santiago Arribado

JAT 616
19:50 La Serena Arribado

LAT 164
22:07 Santiago Confirmado

LAT 172
23:14 Santiago Confirmado

*The time shown corresponds to the estimated time of arrival/departure considering schedule changes that occur due to advances or delays.
Flight Scheduled time* Destination Status/Gate

LAT 161
07:41 Santiago Despegado
Puerta 3

SKY 321
08:04 Santiago Despegado
Puerta 6

LAT 163
08:55 Santiago Despegado
Puerta 3

JAT 617
08:56 La Serena Despegado
Puerta 4

LAT 167
11:09 Santiago Despegado
Puerta 3

SKY 465
12:06 La Serena Despegado
Puerta 6

LAT 169
15:22 Santiago Despegado
Puerta 3

SKY 323
15:52 Santiago Despegado
Puerta 6

LAT 165
18:59 Santiago Despegado
Puerta 2

SKY 339
19:29 Santiago Despegado
Puerta 6

JAT 17
20:35 Santiago Despegado
Puerta 4

LAT 923
22:47 Santiago Embarcando
Puerta 2

LAT 177
23:59 Santiago Confirmado
Puerta 3

*The time shown corresponds to the estimated time of arrival/departure considering schedule changes that occur due to advances or delays.

Iquique Airport, Passenger Terminal
Tarapacá Region
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Iquique Airport, Passenger Terminal
Tarapacá Region

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